Bonfire Flowering Peach
'Bonfire' Flowering Peach
Prunus persica 'Bonfire'
Rosaceae (Rose Family)
▲ ▼ mature plants about 5 feet tall
▲ ▼ new leaves dark maroon
▲ prominent yellow glands on petioles of leaves
▲ fruit (reported as inedible)
Location on campus: by west entrance of old one-room school house on west side of Greenwood Lab School; north side of Greenwood Lab School
Prunus persica ‘Bonfire’: ‘Bonfire’ Flowering Peach:
- has alternate, lanceolate deep burgundy-colored leaves 3-8 inches long and 1/3 as wide with serrate margins and pointed tip
- grows 4-6 feet tall and equally wide
- produces bright pink-red, double flowers in early spring
- produces wrinkled, inedible, fuzzy, peach-like fruit
- foliage color holds through growing season
- prefers moist, well-drained soils; needs water supplementation during dry periods to keep healthy
- is prone to the many diseases and insect pests of edible peach (same species) but is attractive in the landscape for as long as it can survive