Eastern Baccharis
Eastern Baccharis, Groundsel Tree, Salt Marsh Elder, Sea Myrtle
Baccharis halimifolia L.
Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
▲ ▼ mature plants (above in wild, below in landscape)
▲ ▼ mature stems and leaves, showing unlobed leaves
▲ ▼ mature stems and leaves, showing unlobed leaves
▲ early-growth leaves, showing teeth on margins
▲ stem and bark
Baccharis halimifolia L., Eastern Baccharis, Groundsel Tree: (Bayer Code: BACHA; US Code BAHA)
- Native perennial shrub with thin, much-branched canopy; can grow up to 8 or 9 feet tall, with 2/3 to equal width
- Leaves are oval, with toothed margins on early growth; leaves become more oval to lanceolate, with smooth margins on more mature growth
- Mature leaves semi-evergreen to evergreen
- Flowers are in branched clusters at tips of stems; flower itself is not showy, but persistent pappus (hairs) from retained, mature seed on female plants gives upper portions of plants a whitish, silvery appearance
- Found in wetter soils, wetland margins in native habitat
- Is sold as native landscape plant, but can escape cultivation due to abundant seed production, becoming weedy in some areas
- More common in southern and eastern states
(Posted January 19, 2019)