Emerald and Gold Wintercreeper

'Emerald and Gold' Wintercreeper

Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald and Gold'

Celastraceae (Spindletree Family)

▲ Mature plant about 18 inches tall

▲ Leaves

Location on campus: east and southeast sides of Blair-Shannon.

'Emerald and Gold' Euonymus: Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald and Gold'

Euonymus fortunei: Wintercreeper Euonymus

  • Evergreen, opposite, ovate leaves with slightly serrate to crenate margins; leaves 2" long and 1/2 as wide
  • Can spread along the ground (6-18" as groundcover), or climb walls/trees by aerial roots (going 40’ or more up walls/trees/poles); fast growing
  • Prefers full sun to fairly deep shade, tolerates most soils except very wet soils
  • All cultivars/varieties subject to euonymus scale, a tiny white insect which can eventually kill out stems
  • ‘Emerald & Gold’ (‘Emerald & Gold’ Wintercreeper)
    • foliage has fairly broad yellow margin; leaves may be larger than species
    • lower and denser growing, more shrub-like than species