Engelmanns Daisy

Engelmann's Daisy

Engelmannia peristenia (Raf.) Goodman & C.A. Lawson

Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)

▲ ▼ mature, flowering plants

▲ ▼ closer view of leaves and stems

▲ ▼ closer view of flowers

Engelmannia peristenia (Raf.) Goodman & C.A. Lawson, Engelmann’s Daisy: (Bayer Code: none; US Code ENPE4)

  • U.S. native simple perennial wildflower with a stout taproot that grows 6-24 inches tall, often with several to many branching stems; leaves and stems of plant are hairy
  • First forms a mounded rosette of leaves that are alternate, oval in outline, deeply pinnately-lobed with round-pointed lobes and leaf tips--leaves look sort of like an oak leaf; flowering stem leaves often smaller, not as deeply lobed
  • Flower head inflorescences are usually in loose clusters of 1-4, with a single head at the tip of moderately long flowering stems; flowering from spring to mid-summer
  • Individual flower heads are 1-2 inches diameter, and have 8-9 deep yellow ray flowers (“petals") and a 25-50 yellow to brownish disk flowers in the center of the head
  • Bracts below flowers are green, linear, hairy, with tips that curve out from the base of the head
  • Found in prairies, rangeland, right-of-ways
  • The relatively short, well-branched plant shape, large flowers, and deeply-lobed leaves help distinguish this unique plant from other, yellow daisy-flowered wildflowers or weeds

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