
Glossy Buckthorn

Frangula alnus Mill.

(formerly Rhamnus frangula L.)

Rhamnaceae (Buckthorn Family)

▲ Cultivated columnar glossy buckthorns

▲ Cultivated open shrub glossy buckthorns

▲ flowers and young fruit

▲ ▼ immature and mature fruit

▲ leaves

▲ stems

▲ ▼ Narrowleaf cultivar ('Asplenifolia') of glossy buckthorn

▲ ▼ 'Asplenifolia' variety leaves

▲ ▼ 'Asplenifolia' cultivar leaves, bark and fruit (above)

Location on or near campus: unknown for glossy buckthorn; narrowleaf glossy buckthorn planted near entrance of Ocean Zen restaurant off south National and Republic Road

Glossy Buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula):

  • Is also an invasive buckthorn species
  • Also grown as an ornamental with open shrub (more seen in wild), upright (fastigiate) growth forms and thread-like leaf leaf forms ('Asplenifolia' cultivar) that can produce invasive seedlings
  • Leaves are opposite
  • Leaves are glossy/shiny on upper surface and smooth or slightly hairy underneath
  • Leaf margins are smooth (no small teeth)
  • Has same invasive characteristics and is also listed as a noxious weed in a number of northern states
  • Similar European or Common Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica), has leaves that have small teeth on the margins, and the leaves are not as shiny, but more dull-glossy
  • Native Carolina Buckthorn, (Frangula caroliniana) has alternate leaves and more pointed leaf tips, and may have small rounded teeth on its leaf margins

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