Limemound Spirea

'Limemound' Spirea

Spiraea x bumalda 'Limemound'

Rosaceae (Rose Family)

▲ ▼ mature plants

▲ flowers

▼ similar species, 'Gold Flame' Spirea (Spiraea x bumalda 'Gold Flame')

Location on campus: in garden area on north side of Meyer Library and south of Kings Street Annex; plus a number of other locations on campus

Spiraea x bumalda ‘Limemound:’ ‘Limemound’ Bumald Spirea

  • leaves alternate, deciduous, simple, lancelate-ovate, with doubly serrate margins and pointed tip; leaves 1-3" long and 2 as wide; general hybrid leaves emerge pinkish-red then turn dark green to blue-green; fall color is yellow to orange; cultivar ‘Limemound’ leaves mature to yellow-green color in late spring, turning darker green toward end of growing season
  • stems thin, brown, ridged and glabrous
  • pink to reddish flowers in flat-topped clusters in late spring on current season’s growth, sporadically continuing bloom through fall
  • grows 2-3' high and wide, in a nice rounded mound; sometimes larger if not pruned back to ground on regular basis
  • prefers full sun and all but wet soils
  • for best growth, often good to prune back to ground each year in spring---will regrow to 2-3' size and blooms on new wood; may also rebloom more heavily in fall if faded flowers removed in early summer
  • fast growth rate
  • other cultivars of Spirea x bumalda also available: ‘Little Princesss,’ ‘Gold Flame,’ and several more
    • all have similar shape, growth rate, growth requirements--just leaf color (dark green to yellowish) or flower color (white to pale pink to deep pink) varies among cultivars
      • related species: Spiraea japonica ‘Shirobana:’ ‘Shirobana’ Spirea
        • leaves alternate, deciduous, simple, similar to Bumald Spirea except a little longer and thinner, with same potential variations in color as Bumald Spirea cultivars
        • stems, flowers similar, except ‘Shirobana’ cultivar, which has white, light pink and pink flowers on same shrub, depending on flower age
        • growth rate & care same as for Bumald Spirea, and benefits from same pruning regime