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Narrowleaved Milkweed

Asclepias stenophylla A. Gray

Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family) (formerly in the Asclepiadaceae, the Milkweed Family)

▲ mature plant

▲ mature plant with flowers

▲ ▼ flowers

▲ flower detail

Asclepias stenophylla A. Gray, Narrowleaved Milkweed, Slim-leaf Milkweed:

  • A U.S. native prairie milkweed, growing 1-4 feet tall in dryer locations
  • Has alternate to nearly opposite, long, linear leaves
  • Flowers are in axillary clusters and are white to cream to yellow-green
  • Somewhat similar to whorled milkweed, but narrowleaved milkweed’s leaves are alternate or near opposite, and seldom in a whorled arrangement
  • Not usually a weed problem

The “weediness" of milkweeds has been revisited due to them being the main food for monarch butterfly larvae; therefore, milkweeds no longer are being generally considered as weeds to eradicate, and actually have legal protection in some areas.

(Posted January 19, 2019)

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