Pennsylvania Pellitory

Pennsylvania Pellitory

Parietaria pensylvanica Muhl. ex Willd.

Urticaceae (Nettle Family)

▲ group of plants

Pennsylvania Pellitory:

  • Native summer annual weed in the Nettle Family (Urticaceae) that grows about 6-18 inches tall
  • Usually has unbranched stems with alternate lanceolate leaves with smooth margins; both stems and leaves are covered with soft hairs
  • Flowers are small, greenish, in clusters in axils of the leaves surrounded by elongated, small, green leafy bracts; male and female and perfect flowers can be in the same cluster
  • Prefers part shade and fertile soils, but can tolerate more or less sun and somewhat drier or rocky soils
  • The hairs on this plant are not stinging to the touch
  • May appear somewhat similar to Virginia Copperleaf or Rhombic Copperleaf, but these plants have toothed leaves and single, lobed bracts around the flowers.

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