Alopecurus spp
Blackgrass, Carolina Foxtail
Alopecurus spp.
Poaceae (Grass Family)
▲ mature plant showing spreading-upright growth habit
▲ ▼ mature plants
▲ ▼ inflorescences
▲ ligule and collar region
Blackgrass, Carolina Foxtail, other Alopecurus spp.: (not in Weeds of the Great Plains; not in Weeds of the Northeast)
- Cool-season, somewhat spreading annual grass--grows 6" - 18" tall
- Leaves dark green smooth with long, papery ligule
- Inflorescence is a spike (like timothy grass) and white anthers often show outside of spikelets when flowering
- Found in reduced tillage crops; serious weed in Europe, now appearing here more in wetter, more fertile soils