American Beautyberry

American Beautyberry

Callicarpa americana

Verbenaceae (Verbena Family)

▲ mature shrub

▲ ▼ immature fruit in leaf axils

▲ ▼ shrubs with mature, bright pink fruit in clusters in leaf axils

▲ ▼ shrubs with mature, bright pink fruit in clusters in leaf axils

Location near campus: in east end of Master Gardener's Demonstration Center at Nathanael Greene Park at the Botanical Center; on west side of entrance gates at Darr Agricultural Center.

Callicarpa americana: American Beautyberry

  • leaves similar to Japanese Beautyberry, but more ovate with less pointed tip
  • stems 4-sided with light brown pubescence
  • flowers are lavender in leaf axils on new growth in late spring
  • fruit are very bright pink to red and very showy
  • grows 3-10' tall as a coarse, open shrub
  • can trim back to ground each year, since it flowers on current season’s wood
  • prefers full sun to light shade; does better in higher moisture soils
  • fast growth rate
  • native to Missouri