American Bittersweet
American Bittersweet
Celastrus scandens
Celastraceae (Spindletree Family)
▲ ▼ mature vines on fence at University of Missouri Southwest Center in Mt. Vernon, MO
▲ illustration of vine twining around the fence wires
▲ cluster of immature fruit with leaves
▲ ▼ fruit are in clusters at tips of stems, not at each leaf node (important to distinguish it from invasive Chinese Bittersweet (Roundleaf Bittersweet)
▲ close-up of mature fruit, splitting to reveal darker-orange centers
▲ leaves and stems
▲ young shoots twining up from rootstocks
Location on or near campus: not known
Celastrus scandens: American Bittersweet
- Deciduous vine with opposite, ovate leaves, shiny dark green leaves with serrate to crenate margins and pointed tip; 2-4" long
- Vine is brown to tan and climbs by twining about 20' tall; can kill plants by girdling stems
- Dioecious; flowers not showy, but 3-lobed, bright orange capsule fruit with crimson seeds in terminal clusters at tips of stems on female plants are very showy and are used in dried arrangements
- Fast rate of growth
- Prefers full sun, but tolerates some shade; adaptable to soil types
- Important to distinguish the increasingly less common native American Bittersweet
from the invasive Chinese or Oriental Bittersweet before
cultivating, by looking for the following distinguishing characteristics:
- Leaves: American bittersweet leaves more oval, at least twice as long as wide; Chinese Bittersweet has more rounded leaves less than twice as long as wide
- Fruit: American bittersweet has flowers/fruit in terminal panicles at tips of stems, and the fruit capsule is more orange; Chinese Bittersweet has flowers/fruit in axils of leaves and the fruit capsule is more yellow-orange