American Smoketree
American Smoketree
Cotinus obovatus
Anacardiaceae (Cashew Family)
▲ ▼ mature trees
▲ ▼ tree by University Hall on MSU campus
▲ new growth and flower formation
▲ new flowers
▲ ▼ faded flowers
▲ ▼ foliage
Location on campus: along north side of concrete pad for Tent Theatre north of Craig Hall; at southeast corner of University Hall.
Cotinus obovatus: American Smoketree:
- leaves alternate, simple, deciduous, ovate, 2-5" long and 2 as wide; blue-green and glabrous above, silky pubescent underneath when young; bright orange fall color
- stems orangish, glaucous sometimes, similar to European Smoketree
- larger growing than European Smoketree with larger leaves
- bark is gray brown and scaly
- grows to 30 feet tall and equally wide or wider
- same growing requirements as smoketree above
- medium to fast growth rate
- native to Missouri