Amur Chokecherry
Amur Chokecherry
Prunus maackii
Rosaceae (Rose Family)
▲ ▼ mature trees
▲ young tree
▲ ▼ mature tree bark
▲ Young tree bark
▲ ▼ leaves and twig
Location on or near Missouri State University Campus: unknown
Leaves: Ovate-elliptic leaves, with tiny teeth on margins and elongated pointed tip; medium green, 2-4" long, 1/2 as wide, glabrous but pubescent on veins underneath; petiole 1/2" long
Stems: Slender, reddish-brown
Bark: Most attractive feature, shiny yellow-brown to red-brown, with prominent horizontal lenticels; may become shaggy with age
Size, Growth Habit: Grows 35-40 feet tall, often multi-trunked or branched from near base; has pyramidal to rounded shape
Flowers: Small white flowers in 2-3 inch long racemes with 20-30 flowers each in mid spring, after leaves emerge
Fruit: Small drupes, 1/4" diameter, green to red to purple-black at maturity
Growing Conditions: prefers full sun, moist, well-drained soil; better in colder areas of U.S., although can grow here
Growth Rate: Medium
Other Comments: Can be attacked by borers, but not as susceptible to serious diseases as some other Prunus spp.; the further south it is grown, the more problems it may have