Bearberry Cotoneaster

Bearberry Cotoneaster

Cotoneaster dammeri

Rosaceae (Rose Family)

▲ mature flowering shrub

▲ flowers

▲ foliage

Location on or near campus: not known

Cotoneaster dammeri: Bearberry Cotoneaster

  • leaves alternate, oval, thick, semi-evergreen, 0.75-1.5" long and 1/2 as wide; dark green & glossy above, lighter green, slightly pubescent underneath
  • stems are brown to reddish brown; pubescent when young, becoming glossy smooth with age (and turning more gray)
  • flowers are 1/2" diameter, white in leaf axils--more showy than many other cotoneasters, perhaps due to flower density
  • fruit is an elongated-globe pome, bright red
  • grows 1-2’ tall and 4-5’ diameter
  • prefers general cotoneaster culture
  • medium to fast growth rate