Bearded Iris
Bearded Iris, Tall Bearded Iris
Iris germanica
Iridaceae or Amaryllidaceae
(Iris or Amaryllis Family)
Bearded Iris, Tall Bearded Iris, German Iris (Iris germanica)
Location on campus: a variegated-leaf variety is growing in the triangle flower bed southeast of Plaster Student Union, and in the planting bed along the sidewalk to the north of McDonald Arena.
- perennial that spreads by short, thick stolons/rhizomes
- has flat, blade-like leaves 6-24" tall
- flowers in mid to late spring (May-June), with some cultivars re-blooming in August or September
- flowers have 3 upright petals (standards) and 3 downward sepals (falls)
- many, many cultivars available with white, yellow, orange, red, rust, pink, peach, blue, purple, brown, maroon to almost black colors available alone or mixed on a flower
- flowers are often 4-5" across and tall, each lasting about one day, but numerous buds allow them to have good color for longer period
- tolerates very dry soils to all but very wet soils; prefers moist, well-drained soils
- flowers best in full-sun; may have reduced growth and flowering in heavier shade
- low-maintence, long-lived groundcover, although bermudagrass may invade iris beds, and iris borer and a bacterial leaf spot may shorten the life of infected plants