Kolkwitzia amabilis
Honeysuckle Family (Capifoliaceae)
▲ flowering shrub in spring (at west end of Springfield Art Museum parking lot)
▲ flowers
▲ foliage (opposite leaves)
▲ ▼ flower detail
▲ shrub in Nathanael Greene Park garden
Location near campus: in north end of Master Gardener Demonstration Garden in Nathanael Greene Park, just north of Botanical Center Building; at west end of lawn area west of Springfield Art Museum on Bennett St., about 3/4 mile south of campus
Kolkwitzia amabilis: Beautybush
- leaves simple, deciduous, opposite, ovate tapering to pointed tip, slightly toothed on margins; dull green above and hairy on veins on leaf undersides; leaves 1-3" long and about 2/3 as wide
- stems slender, round, pubescent at first, purplish, become glabrous and exfoliating with age
- size 6-10' in height and width; upright, vase-shaped form
- prefers full sun, well-drained soil, pH adaptable
- prune out old wood after flowering or cut back to ground periodically to control size
- fast growth rate