Black Jetbead

Black Jetbead

Rhodotypos scandens

Rosaceae (Rose Family)

▲ mature shrubs along south wall of Carrington Hall, MSU campus

▲ foliage and fruit

Location on campus: on south side of Carrington Hall

Rhodotypos scandens: Black Jetbead

  • unique in Rose family for having opposite leaves; leaves also deciduous, simple, ovate withdoubly-serrated margins and pointed tips; light, bright green above and paler green with silky pubescence below and a ribbed petiole
  • stems are green, shiny and glabrous when young, becoming brown to reddish brown with age and orange lenticels
  • flowers are unique for Rose family in being 4-petalled, white, single at stem tips in mid spring
  • fruit is a hard, black drupe (hence the name) about 1/3" long
  • grows 3-6' tall and 4-9' wide as a layered, rounded shrub
  • very adaptable, tolerating full sun to full shade and many soil types
  • medium to fast growth rate