Black Mustard

Black Mustard

[Brassica nigra (L.) W.D.J. Koch]

Brassicaceae Family

Bob with mature plant in west central Illinois ▲

▲ mature, flowering plant near Volendam, Netherlands

▲ ▼ mature, flowering plants in New Mexico

▲ ▼ stems and leaves

▲ basal stem leaves

▲ flowers

▲ ▼ mature, flowering plants, showing upward bent, small fruit

▲ plant stem, showing stout, upward bend hairs

▲ seedling

Black Mustard:

  • winter annual with long, lobed, rough-textured leaves
  • grows 1-6’ tall
  • flowers small, yellow in terminal spikes
  • produces short pods (0.5-1" long) that are held upright, close to flower spike
  • common on roadsides, winter annual crops, vegetable crops, nurseries

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