Bracken Fern

Bracken Fern, Western Bracken Fern

Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn


Colony of fern at edge of, and in open woods ▲ ▼

Closer view of bracken fern fronds ▲

Individual stem in a colony ▲

Several individual stems in a colony ▲

Bracken Fern:

  • Creeping perennial native fern that produces rhizomes
  • Individual 3-part fronds appear from spring through summer, and each frond is very finely divided
  • Stems usually green at first, then purplish
  • Ccan form large, open colonies in partially-shaded to shaded, fertile, high-organic matter, well-drained soils
  • Toxic to livestock if grazed or if cut hay
  • Found throughout Midwest in open, moist woods, clearings, meadows, pastures streambank areas

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