

Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth.

Cucurbitaceae (Squash Family)

▲ young stems emerging from tuberous root in late spring

▲ large, mature plant

▲ stems and leaves and flower

▲ male flower (blooming, center) and bud for female flower (lower right)

▲ fruit


  • midwest native perennial plant found more in dryer, rocky soils
  • produces annual vines that grow 3-10 feet or more long from large perennial tuberous root
  • leaves are thick, covered with short hairs, and emit a disagreeable odor if bruised
  • flowers are monoecious, yellow-orange, 21-4 inches across
  • fruit is globe-shaped, 3-4 inches diameter, covered with dark and lighter green stripes when young
  • fruit surface turns yellow and hardens when mature

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