
Bugleweed, Ajuga, Blue Bugle

Ajuga reptans

Lamiaceae - Mint Family

▲ purple-foliaged cultivar

▲ flowering plants in spring

Ajuga reptans: Ajuga, Bugleweed, Blue Bugle, Bugleflower

Location on or near campus: in Xeriscape Garden south of campus at corner of East Linwood and South National.

  • deciduous to semi-evergreen groundcover with simple, opposite obovate leaves with rounded tip and slightly crenate leaves; leaf color may be green, purplish or variegated
  • grows to about 4-6" high and has spikes of deep purple-blue flowers in mid-spring
  • good for shady to partly shady, moist, high organic matter soils
  • spreads by stolons

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