Bur Oak

Bur Oak

(Quercus macrocarpa)

Fagaceae (Beech Family)

▲ ▼ mature trees

▲ ▼ leaves

▲ corky, furrowed young stems

▲ trunk and bark

Location on campus: east of MacDonald Arena

Quercus macrocarpa: Bur Oak

  • leaves alternate, deciduous, simple, obovate with shallow lobes on upper half of leaf and deeper lobes on leaf base; dark green and glossy above, gray pubescent underneath; 4-10" long and 2 as wide
  • stems stout, yellow-brown, smooth; some trees develop corky fissures on 2-3 year old twigs
  • bark similar to swamp-white oak
  • grows 70-80' tall with equal to greater width in rounded or irregular canopy
  • acorns can be 3/4 to 2" long, about 2/3 as wide, enclosed 2 to almost entirely by rough-textured cap with fringed edge
  • prefers full sun, moist, well-drained soils; tolerates dry soils
  • medium growth rate; fast when young
  • native to Missouri (and Springfield)