Carolina Geranium

Carolina Geranium

Geranium carolinianum L.

Geraniaceae (Geranium Family)

first year rosette ▲

young plant ▲

▲ ▼ mature, flowering plants

▲ stems often pinkish or reddish in color

▲ ▼ flowers

▲ plant with many fruit

▲ ▼ fruit

▲ comparison of leaves of Carolina Geranium (lower left), dovefoot geranium (upper center), and smallflower geranium (right)

Carolina Geranium:

  • biennial or winter annual, sometimes summer annual with round, deeply lobed leaves
  • first year forms a rosette 6-12" diameter of less deeply divided leaves
  • second year, produces more upright, branching growth habit and more deeply lobed leaves, about 2-18 inches tall & wide in non-turf areas, hugs ground in turf
  • stems are reddish-pink to tan
  • has umbels of small pink to purple flowers in mid to late spring
  • fruit is an upright pod--similar to crane's bill in appearance; cranesbill is another name for these plants
  • has larger, paler pink flowers than the similar species of cutleaf geranium, dovefoot geranium and smallflower geranium.

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