Clasping Pepperweed

Clasping Pepperweed

Lepidium perfoliatum L.

Brassicaceae (Mustard Family)

▲ ▼ mature, flowering plants

▲ ▼ mature, flowering plants

▲ ▼ flowering and fruit detail, showing stem-surrounding upper leaves

▲ ▼ basal foliage on immature plants

▲ ▼ basal foliage on immature plants

Clasping Pepperweed:

  • biennial or cool-season annual weed
  • has finely-divided rosette leaves, followed by stem leaves that encircle the stem in the upper portion of the plant as flowering begins
  • similar to other annual pepperweeds in flower and fruit type
  • more common in northern and western part of midwest

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