Common Cocklebur

Common Cocklebur, Rough Cocklebur

(Xanthium strumarium L.)

Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)

▲ ▼ seedlings

▲ ▼ young plants

▲ mature plant

▲ leaf

▲ young inflorescences

▲ speckled stems

▲ mature inflorescences

▲ fruit


  • native american, warm-season, summer annual broadleaf weed in Aster Family
  • has much branched, rough-textured stem, 1-3' tall
  • has large, triangular, lobed/toothed leaves
  • produces bur-like inflorescence and fruit which sticks to anything passing by when ripe
  • major agronomic weed; prefers fertile, well-drained soils
  • can be a green manure crop, if tilled under before seed set
  • similar to velvetleaf in crop damage potential

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