Common Lilac
Common Lilac
Syringa vulgaris
Olive Family (Oleaceae)
▲ ▼ flowering shrubs at southwest corner of Temple Hall, MSU campus
▲ foliage
▲ foliage with powdery mildew
Location on campus: at southeast corner of Maintenance Building; along west side of Kemper Hall; along southwest side of Temple Hall
Syringa vulgaris: Common Lilac
- leaves opposite, deciduous, simple ovate to chordate; dark green or blue green above, glabrous; 2-5" long and 3/4 as wide; often coated with powdery mildew in late summer
- stems stout, 4-sided when young, glossy brown and glabrous with raised lenticels & raised crescent-shaped leaf scars; pith is solid and white
- flowers are very fragrant, white, lilac, pink or purple in terminal racemes on previous season’s wood in mid spring; many cultivars available
- prefers full sun for best flowering, organic soils, but very tolerant of soil types; tends to quit flowering in shade
- slow to medium growth rate