Cranberry Cotoneaster
Cranberry Cotoneaster
Cotoneaster apiculatus
Rosaceae (Rose Family)
▲ ▼ mature shrubs
▲ rounded foliage
▲ ▼fruit
Location on campus: in raised mound bed at southeast corner of lawn area south of Plaster Student Union
Cotoneaster apiculatus: Cranberry Cotoneaster
- leaves deciduous, alternate, simple, orbicular with entire, wavy margins; leaves 1/4-3/4" long and wide; shiny dark green and glabrous above and slightly lighter green below
- stems are reddish purple with slight pubescence when young; gray-brown and rough-textured with age - has a cherry-flavored odor when stems are crushed
- flowers small, pinkish in late spring at the nodes of previous-season's growth
- fruit is a cranberry-red 1/4-1/3" pome
- grows 3' tall by 3-6' wide with arching branches which create a mound of tangled branches - good as a groundcover or massed shrub
- prefers general cotoneaster culture
- slow to medium growth rate