Crape Myrtle
Crape Myrtle
Lagerstroemia indica
Lythraceae (Loosestrife Family)
▲ ▼ flowering plants in mid to late summer
▲ ▼ flowering plants in mid to late summer
Location on campus: around paved pad for Tent Theatre just north of Craig Hall; many locations on campus
Lagerstroemia indica: Crape Myrtle
- leaves opposite on lower portions of branches, then whorled or alternate below flowers, deciduous, simple, ovate; dark green and shiny above and glabrous below; leaves 1-2.75" long and 1/2 - 2/3 as wide
- stems angled, squarish with slight wings; glabrous and green to red when young, reddish brown later on to peeling bark on old stems/trunks
- flowers white, pink, purple or red in terminal panicles on new growth in mid summer to mid fall; may fail to flower if shaded much
- is a small to large shrub or small tree, depending on hardiness zone and cultivar; often freezes to ground in northern end of its range; grows 3-15' tall and as wide, and even bigger in southern locations for some cultivars
- prefers full sun and moist, well-drained soil; prune out dead wood in spring
- fast growth rate