Cutleaf Teasel

Cutleaf Teasel

(Dipsacus laciniatus L.)

Dipsacaceae (Teasel Family)

▲ seedlings

▲ ▼ young cutleaf teasel-- leaves have toothed margins similar to common teasel, but lack spiny bumps on top leaf surfaces

▲ young plant just before bolting showing deeper lobing ("cutleaf" appearance) on leaves

▲ field of flowering cutleaf teasel

▲ deeply lobed, opposite leaves on spiny stems of mature plant

▲ cutleaf teasel inflorescences with white flowers

▲ dried inflorescences persist on dead plants

Cutleaf Teasel:

  • a biennial weed from Europe with spiny stems and leaves that grows 2-9 feet tall
  • leaves opposite, deeply lobed, clasping the stems
  • flowers white in densely arranged in spiny, ovoid heads at the top of the plants
  • inflorescence used in dried floral arrangements and had been used to comb wool and raise the nap on woven cloths
  • can distinguish from common teasel by the lack of deep indentations on common teasel leaves, plus tiny flowers are purplish on common teasel

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