Dawn Redwood

Dawn Redwood

Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Cupressaceae (Cypress Family)

formerly Taxodiaceae, Baldcypress Family

▲ mature tree

▲ trees survived 2007 ice storm in Springfield, MO with little to moderate damage

Location on Missouri State University campus: north of Hill and Ellis Hall; south of Siceluff and Cheek Hall

Metasequoia glyptostroboides: Dawn Redwood

  • leaves in special pinnate clusters of needles oppositely arranged on permanent twigs; needles 1/2" long and light to medium green; brownish-orange fall color
  • twigs slender, reddish brown with ridges and football shaped buds
  • bark is reddish orange, stringy, thin
  • grows 40-50' in landscapes, in upright pyramidal form; lower branches remain ascending throughout tree life
  • fruit is a round woody cone
  • prefers full sun and moist, deep, well-drained, fertile soils, but adaptable to all but very dry soils
  • fast growth rate