Downy Serviceberry

Downy Serviceberry

Amelachier arborea

Rosaceae (Rose Family)

▲ ▼ flowering trees in Missouri

▲ smooth, gray trunks on young trees

▲ ▼ flowers

▲ leaves

▲ ▼ fall color

Location on campus: southeast of Plaster Student Union.

Amelanchier arborea: Downy Serviceberry

  • leaves alternate, simple, deciduous, ovate with serrate margins; glossy green above and slightly pubescent underneath and reddish in color when first emerging; 1-3" long and 2 to 3/4 as wide; may have orange to red fall color
  • stems slender, olive green to red brown, glabrous with grayish "skin"; pith green and small; terminal buds long, pointed
  • bark is smooth, gray when young, becoming more fissured with age
  • grows 15-25' tall with rounded crown; often multi-trunked
  • flowers are white in terminal panicles in early to mid-spring before the flowers emerge
  • fruit is a red to purplish black pome
  • prefers full sun to moderate shade and moist, well-drained, acid soil; but fairly soil-tolerant
  • can get rust disease and some leaf spot diseases that can cause early defoliation
  • medium growth rate
  • native to Missouri