Eastern Red Cedar

Eastern Red Cedar

Juniperus virginiana L.

Cupressaceae (Cypress Family)

seedlings ▲ ▼

seedlings ▲ ▼

young tree ▲

mature tree ▲

mature tree bark ▲

field with a number of young to mature trees ▲

Eastern Red Cedar: (pp. 280-28, Weeds of the Great Plains; not in Weeds of the Northeast)

  • woody tree or large shrub native to the United States; a type of juniper
  • has needle-like foliage; grey, stringy bark with age
  • dioecious; female trees produce abundant blue "berries" (actually cones)
  • one female tree can produce enough seedlings to fill a pasture in about 10 years
  • Control: repeated mowing or cutting; proper grazing (for other forage competition); burning; chemical control by application of postemergent brush control herbicides

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