English Ivy

English Ivy

(Hedera helix)

Araliaceae (Ginseng Family)

Hedera helix: English Ivy

Location on campus: in Grand St. underpass, along President's Wall on east side of Plaster Student Union.

  • woody vine with alternate, evergreen palmately-lobed dark-green leaves, often with lighter green veins; leaves about 3-4" wide and long with 3-5 lobes
  • stems climb by production of aerial roots that cling to hard surfaces
  • grows in full sun to deep shade; prefers moist, well-drained soils
  • as a groundcover, grows 6-12" high, vine can grow 90' tall
  • fast rate of growth
  • when plant matures, leaf shape changes to ovate-lanceolate and plant becomes shrubby and produces no more aerial roots; flowers not significant