Erect Knotweed

Erect Knotweed

Polygonum erectum L.

Polygonaceae (Smartweed Family)

▲ seedlings

▲ ▼ young plants

▲ ▼ young plants

▲ ▼ close-up of stems and leaves


  • usually more of a turf or vegetable crop weed; summer annuals
  • inflorescences in the axils of leaves, very tiny
  • other small-leaved knotweed species may occur occasionally--
    • erect knotweed: similar to prostrate knotweed, but with more rounded to rounded-oval shaped leaves
  • annual knotweeds controlled by tillage (same precautions as smartweeds), some with pre-emergent herbicides or more with post-emergent herbicides

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