[Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl]
Brassicaceae (Mustard Family)
▲ ▼ seedlings
▲ young plants
mature plants ▲ ▼
▲ ▼ maure flowering plants
flowering stems with fruit ▲ ▼
▲ flowers
stem with leaves ▲
fruit ▲
▲ ▼ mature plants alongside a wheat field
- introduced annual or winter annual weed that grows 1-3’ tall, with many basal shoots
- leaves are very finely divided (fernlike)
- flowers are yellow and siliques are 1-1.5" long, stand out from the stem on 1/2" long pedicels
- common in winter annual crops (especially reduced tillage) and in open pastures/rangeland, more common on sandy soils
- some reports of it being poisonous, but not widespread
- native tansy mustard very closely resembles flixweed, but siliques are shorter (0.5-1.0") and leaves are more ruffly---also can be a weed problem, but flixweed