Fringe Tree
Fringe Tree
Chionanthus virginicus
Oleaceae (Olive Family)
▲ ▼ small trees
▲ ▼ flowers
▲ ▼ flowers
▲ leaves
Location on campus: in triangle bed northeast of Hill Hall
Chionanthus virginicus: White Fringetree, Grancy Gray-beard, Old-man’s-beard
- leaves opposite, simple, deciduous, oblong to obovate with entire margins; 3-8" long and 1/2 as wide; dark green and shiny above, pale and pubescent underneath
- stems stout, green to brown, usually glabrous but may be pubescent when young
- bark gray, ridged and furrowed on older trunks
- grows 25-30' tall and wide; may be a shrub or small tree with spreading, open habit
- flowers dioecious, white, 4-petalled in drooping axillary panicles in mid to late spring; fruit is a dark blue droop
- prefers full sun to part shade and deep, well-drained, fertile, moist, high-organic matter soil
- slow growth rate