Golden Vicary Privet
Golden Vicary Privet
Ligustrum x vicaryi
Olive Family (Oleaceae)
▲ mature shrub
▲ ▼ flower buds and foliage; flowers not very distinct
Location near campus: in planting bed on east side of McDonald's Restaurant on West Sunshine, across from Bass Pro Shops
Ligustrum x vicaryi: Golden Vicary Privet
- leaves deciduous, opposite, simple, oblong/oval with entire margin; 1-2" long and 2 as wide; golden yellow on new growth and in bright sun, turning dark green as they mature
- stems slender, pubescent when young, gray-tan and glabrous with age
- flowers small and white and not too showy
- grows 10-12' high and 2/3 as wide as an upright shrub
- prefers sun (for best yellow color) to part shade; very soil tolerant
- good as a hedge/screen plant
- fast growth rate