Hairy Buttercup
Hairy Buttercup
Ranunculus sarduous L.
Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family)
seedling ▲
▲ young plants
▲ leaves
▲ ▼ flowering plants
▲ ▼ flowering plants
▲ flowering plants
▲ root area
▲ ▼ flowers
▲ seed production on mature plant
Hairy Buttercup:
- annual with alternate, palmately-divided simple, non-hairy leaves
- grows 1-2' tall; base of plant is swollen; stems are hollow
- flowers are 5-petalled, bright yellow, in mid to late spring; sepals bend down under flower
- found in pastures, roadsides, non-crop areas
- may be somewhat poisonous to livestock