Indian Mock Strawberry

Indian Mock Strawberry

Duchesnea indica (Andr.) Focke

Rosaceae (Rose Family)

▲ ▼ mature plants in turf

▲ ▼ mature plants in landcape beds, showing stolons, yellow flowers

▲ flower

▲ ▼ fruit

Indian Mock Strawberry:

  • a low-growing, creeping perennial weed that produces stolons in the Rosaceae (Rose) family
  • leaves are dark green, trifoliate with scalloped (not toothed as in tame strawberry) margins
  • has 5-petaled yellow flowers followed by 3-1/2 inch diameter red strawberry like fruit (no flavor)
  • wildlife eat fruit, spreading plant by seed, then can form large patches from stolons
  • tolerates shade & full sun

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