Japanese Zelkova
Japanese Zelkova
Zelkova serrata
Ulmaceae (Elm Family)
▲ young tree
▲ mature tree
▲ ▼ bark (tends to be smooth on younger trees, somewhat peeling on older trees)
▲ bark (on young tree)
▲ leaves
Location on campus: south of Lot 24 and Lot 22 (south of Grand) in lawn area of retention basin
Zelkova serrata: Japanese Zelkova
- leaves deciduous, alternate, simple, oblong-lanceolate with pointed tip, serrate margins; dark green and rough above; 1-5" long and 2/3 as wide
- stems slender, pubescent, brown; buds diverge from twigs (stand out)
- bark is smooth, dark gray with horizontal bands when young, becoming somewhat exfoliating like Chinese Elm with age
- grows 50-80' tall and 2/3 to equally wide in strong vase-shaped habit
- fruit is a small drupe
- prefers full sun, moist, well-drained, fertile soils, but very adaptable; can tolerate dry and high pH soils well; resistant to wind and ice damage
- medium growth rate
- generally resistant to Dutch Elm disease