Datura stramonium L.
Solanaceae (Nightshade Family)
▲ mature plant
▲ ▼ flowers
▲ fruit
- Summer annual broadleaf weed with stout, purple-green branching stems
- Grows 1-5’ tall, with jagged triangular leaves; both stems & leaves have strong odor if bruised
- Flowers large, lavender to white, trumpet-shaped, opening more at night
- Seed capsule is large, with many spines--looks like small spiny “grenade"
- Plant was linked to witchcraft in Europe--if you had the weed growing in your yard, your were suspected to be involved with witchcraft
- Jimsonweed name came from “Jamestown weed"--it first appeared in U.S. with Jamestown settlers
- Seeds are deadly poisonous to eat
- Is common in many cultivated crops; can be found in pastures, non-crop areas
- Similar to velvetleaf in crop damage potential
- Similar species, sacred datura, toloache or moonvine:
- has larger, more hairy leaves
- hairy stems
- has larger flowers that open at night and are often quite fragrant
- fruit is similar
- usually not a weed problem, though