Lacebark Elm
Lacebark Elm, Chinese Elm
Ulmus parviflora
Ulmaceae (Elm Family)
▲ mature tree
▲ leaves
▲ ▼ bark, showing lace-like, peeling pattern on older trunks
Location near campus: in median on West Grand, west of Grant St.
Ulmus parviflora: Chinese Elm, Lacebark Elm
- leaves deciduous, alternate, simple, ovate with serrate to crenate margins; small: 3/4-2.5" long and 2-2/3 as wide; dark green and shiny above, pubescent underneath when young; leaves often fall green from tree in late fall
- stems slender , gray brown and glabrous to slightly pubescent
- bark on older trees is mottled tan, brown, cream and orange - very attractive
- grows 40-50' tall and equally or more wide in spreading, rounded habit
- fruit is a round samara; fruits in fall, unlike other elms covered
- prefers full sun and moist, well-drained, fertile soil, but very soil tolerant
- medium growth rate
- resistant to Dutch Elm disease