Little Bluestem
Little Bluestem
Schizachyrium scoparium
Poaceae (Grass Family)
Schizachyrium scoparium: Little Bluestem
Location near campus: in ornamental grass bed toward southwest corner of Master Gardener areas north of Botanical Center Building in Nathanael Greene park at the Botanical Center.
- native warm-season grass with yellow-green to almost blue, soft, curving leaves
- basal leaves grow about 12-18" tall
- stiff, upright, thick, leafy flowering stems grow 2-6’ tall
- flowers are 2-3 curved, feathery spikes in axils of stem leaves (more showy after frost)
- dried foliage becomes orange-brown to rust-colored and spikes turn feathery white
- likes dry soils, prefers full sun
- native to Missouri