Littleleaf Linden

Littleleaf Linden

Tilia cordata


▲ mature tree

▲ ▼ young trees

▲ young trees

▲ ▼ leaves and flowers

▲ trunk and bark

▲ trees survived 2007 ice storm in Springfield, MO with little to moderate damage

Location on Missouri State University campus: east side of Craig Hall

Tilia cordata: Littleleaf Linden

  • leaves, fruit similar to American Linden (Tillia americana), except littleleaf linden leaves are smaller
  • twigs shiny brown; buds reddish-brown and heart-shaped
  • grows 60-70' tall and more pyramidal in shape
  • prefers full sun and very soil adaptable, although prefers moist, well-drained, fertile soil
  • medium growth rate