Mahaleb Cherry

Mahaleb Cherry

Prunus mahaleb

Rosaceae (Rose Family)

▲ Mature tree

▲ ▼ trunk and branches

▲ leaves

▲ flowers and beginning fruit

Location on or near Missouri State University campus: unknown

Maheleb Cherry (Prunus mahaleb):

Leaves: ovate, glabrous, dark green, serrate-margined leaves with pointed tips, 0.75-2 inches long and 2/3 as wide on long petioles

Stems: Gray-brown to purplish; slender

Bark: Smooth, gray-brown with horizontal lenticels when young; becoming gray, ridged, with age

Growth Habit/Size and Growth Rate: 10-35’ tall, equally wide; sometimes more of a small shrub than tree; medium growth rate

Flowers: Small white flowers in 1-1.5 inch long racemes with 3-10 flowers each in mid spring, after leaves emerge

Fruit: Small drupes, 1/4 inch diameter, green to red to purple-black at maturity

Growing Conditions: prefers full sun, moist, well-drained soil

Comments: Is sometimes used as a rootstock for other Prunus trees; can be invasive in some areas of U.S.; otherwise is a more disease-resistant cherry