
Sweet Mockorange

Philadelphus coronarius

Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage Family)

▲ ▼ mature, flowering shrubs

▲ single flower form

▲ ▼ double-flower form, possibly Philadelphus x virginalis hybrid

▲ new foliage growth

▲ ▼ yellow-leaved form (cultivar 'Aureus')

▲ ▼ foliage

Location near campus: in Xeriscape Garden (location at corner of Linwood and National, about 1 mile south of campus).

Philadelphus coronarius: Sweet Mockorange

  • leaves opposite, simple, ovate, with spaced out dentations on margin, pointed tip; 1.5-4" long and 1/2 as wide; dark green and glabrous above; lighter with some pubescences on veins underneath
  • stems dark red to brown and glabrous; exfoliating bark on older stems; pith white, continuous
  • flowers white, very fragrant (like orange blossoms) in late spring in terminal racemes; flowers on previous season’s wood
  • grows 10-12' tall and as wide; sends up new sprouts from base
  • prefers full sun to light shade, moist, well-drained soil with high organic matter; develops a massive root system
  • fast growth rate