Morrow's Honeysuckle
Morrow's Honeysuckle
Lonicera morrowii Gray
Caprifoliaceae - Honeysuckle Family
▲ mature plant in the wild
▲ leaf and fruits
Morrow’s Honeysuckle:
- Deciduous woody shrub in the Honeysuckle Family (Caprifoliaceae) native to Asia, with blue to dark green, opposite leaves, 1-2 inches long that have a round-pointed leaf tip and have fine hairs on both surfaces
- Normally grows 3-10 feet tall
- Flowers are in pairs or small clusters in the axils of the leaves in early to mid spring, and are creamy-white and fragrant, with strap-like petals that fade to yellow
- Fruit is a showy, yellow, orange or red, fleshy berry that is readily consumed by birds
- Was widely planted as a low-maintenance, flowering shrub, attractive to birds, but has escaped cultivation and now is quite abundant in fields, disturbed areas and open woods in Missouri
- Other species of non-native honeysuckle include Amur Honeysuckle and Tatarian Honeysuckle (they are described elsewhere in this list), so it is best not to plant any of these in landscaping in any part of Missouri