Nebraska Lupine
Nebraska Lupine, Platte Lupine
Lupinus plattensis S. Wats.
Fabaceae (Legume Family)
▲ colony by roadside in western Nebraska
▲ mature, flowering plants
▲ ▼ flowers
▲ ▼ flowers
▲ stems, showing dense hairs
▲ fruit
Wild Lupines: (pp. 310-313, Weeds of the Great Plains; not in Weeds of the Northeast)
- Annual, biennial or simple perennial (Silver Lupine) or creeping perennial (Nebraska Lupine) wildflowers of western midwest prairies in the Fabaceae (Bean ) family, in the Lupinus genus
- Usually have palmately compound basal leaves on compressed stems and then smaller palmately compound leaves further up stem; stems and leaves sometimes have soft hairs, at least on lower leaf surfaces
- Flowers are pea-like in upright racemes in late spring to early summer
- Are toxic to livestock if grazed (contain toxic alkaloids)
- A similar-appearing native species called breadroot in the Psoralea genus have edible roots and have been used by native peoples as a food source; careful identification is needed to avoid eating toxic lupine roots