Northern Bayberry
Northern Bayberry
Myrica pensylvanica
Myricaeae (Wax Myrtle Family)
▲ mature shrub
▲ leaves
▲ waxy berry fruit on female clone
Location on campus: on ridge along south side entrance drive from National Avenue to Parking Lot 24 (south of Grand)
Myrica pennsylvanica: Northern Bayberry
- leaves deciduous or semi-evergreen, simple, alternate, oblanceolate with a few shallow teeth on upper 1/3; dark shiny green above with resin glands underneath; may be aromatic when crushed; 1.5-4" long and 1/3 as wide
- stems round with resin dots when young; pith is angled, continuous and green
- flowers are dioecious, need 20% male for good fruit set on females; fruit is a blue drupe with waxy coating used for making bayberry candles
- grows 5-12' tall and 2/3 as wide; an upright, rounded shrub
- prefers full sun to half shade and is very soil adaptable as long as pH is neutral to acidic
- medium growth rate