Norway Maple
Norway Maple
Acer platanoides
Aceraceae (Maple Family)
▲ tree growing in Oslo, Norway
▲ leaves
▲ ▼ fruit
▲ large, oval terminal bud
▲ gray-black, furrowed bark on mature trees
▲ ▼ flowers are moderately showy
▲ tree in flower in spring, before leaves emerge
▲ ▼ dark-red or purple-leaved cultivars
▲ leaves on dark-red or purple-leaved cultivar
▲ ▼ variegated-leaf cultivar
Location on Missouri State University campus: east of Karls Hall and south of Hill hall (green-leaved form); east of Plaster Student Union (purple-leaved form)
Acer platanoides: Norway Maple
- Leaves deciduous, simple, opposite, palmately 3-5 lobed
- Leaves dark green or red-green to reddish-purple in color, depending on the cultivar; glabrous
- Petiole produces milky sap when broken
- Fall color is yellow or non-existent
- Stems stout, glabrous, olive-brown in color with lenticels; leaf scars meet to form a sharp angle; older stems gray-brow; pith is solid white
- Bark is dark-gray to black, with ridges and shallow furrows
- Prefers full sun to part shade and organic, well-drained soils; tolerates hot, dry and compacted soils
- Grows 40-50’ tall and 2/3 to equal width with rounded, symmetrical crown
- Medium growth rate; red-foliaged trees usually not as vigorous as green-foliaged trees
- Is becoming invasive in northeastern U.S. and southeastern Canada--can replace native sugar and black maples in maple forests, reducing maple syrup production
- Is one of the “hard maples," along with sugar and black maples (based on wood strength)
- Similar to Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple)-- except Norway maple has more furrowed bark, milky sap if petiole is crushed and terminal buds are egg-shaped or rounded; Sugar maple has more platey bark and clear sap and very pointed terminal buds on twigs